Holistic Orthodontics in a Magical Setting

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 Cell:  212-912-1212
HomeDr. StanleyHealth TipsOrthodontic CasesContactStrategies for health in the time of Covid-19

  • ALF Appliances
  • Fixed Braces with Clear option
  • Invisalign
  • Functional Applances- Fixed or Removable
  • TMJ and Snore Control Sleep Appliances
  • Bruxism or tooth grinding help
  • Myofunctional exercises
  • Cranial Adjustments with Every Visit!

A relaxed atmosphere with a holistic approach.

Dr. Stanley is not only trained in conventional orthodontics, but also  in ALF appliance therapy and myofunctional breathing methods.  She is also certified in complementary alternative health modalities such as acupuncture, Price Pottinger Nutrition and Cranial Osteopathy.
Rhoney Stanley DDS, MPH, has been practicing for over 25 years, bridging the gap between whole health and oral health...
Holistic Orthodontics: 
                                          (212) 912-1212
                                          Northern Califonia

Office Hours: By appointment-please phone, text, or email
As in the photo to the left, taken in front of my former office, art stands amidst nature. If you look at the sculpture and the blossoms a certain way, the two are almost inseparable. The philosophy of non-separation, and art and nature co-existing and enhancing each other pervades my practice of Orthodontics.

I also believe that we are our own best healers and that self-knowledge can help us in our quest for wellness.

During this time of LOCKDOWN, I have been studying pranayama (yogic breathing). The exercises are easy, and don't require a big investment. Please do conscious breathing every day.
1. Breathe in through your nose but starting at your belly. Then move the air into your chest and lastly into your throat. Surprisingly most of us breathe shallowly from the throat only. And when you breathe in, expand your chest horizontally. Then exhale, using your nose not your mouth. Make the inhale and the exhale equal in length.
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